A cybersecurity provider can help reduce your downtime and minimize your exposure to the growing number of security threats out there. To help you find the right provider for your organization, we’ve broken down what you should look for in a provider – and why having that cybersecurity support is so important. 

Why cybersecurity is important

The importance of cybersecurity can’t be overstated, and every business needs a reliable cybersecurity solution. Why? Because cyberattacks are on the rise – over 61 percent of businesses experienced a cyberattack within the last year, and this statistic is only set to increase. 

Although you may think you can handle your own cybersecurity needs in-house, cyber threats are becoming increasingly more sophisticated, and you’ll need the help of a dedicated security partner to stay ahead of the challenges. 

What a good cybersecurity provider can do for you

The truth is that not all cybersecurity providers are created equal. However, all good providers demonstrate these four key characteristics.

Comprehensive protection  

A good cybersecurity provider actively protects your company against the ever-rising threat of complex phishing and ransomware scams. Phishing attacks account for over 90 percent of data breaches, and a cybersecurity provider should offer comprehensive protection against all such threats.

Service dedication  

Business doesn’t sleep, and neither should your network support. Your security provider should provide constant network monitoring services to detect vulnerabilities and prevent intrusions before they strike. 

Customized, proactive support 

Since cybersecurity threats evolve so frequently, it’s often impossible for in-house IT staff to keep up. Your cybersecurity provider should be dedicated to staying ahead of new and emerging security threats so you can focus on running your business.  

Flexible budget options 

No two businesses have identical cybersecurity needs, which means there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all security model. A good cybersecurity provider works with you to identify your core security needs and offers you a range of services within your budget. 

How to find a cybersecurity provider

Finding the right cybersecurity provider for your unique business needs doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some tips for finding the right provider today.

Consider your needs

Before looking for a cybersecurity provider, be clear on what you actually need from them. For example, your priorities may include:

  • Cloud and remote security 
  • Privacy law compliance 
  • Network monitoring 
  • Infrastructure upgrades 

When you understand your priorities, it’s easier to find the right cybersecurity provider.

Be honest about your budget

Set out your IT budget and be realistic about what you can afford to spend on cybersecurity services. Good providers offer flexible support plans to suit every budget. 

Ask questions

There’s no such thing as asking too many questions when you’re looking for a cybersecurity provider. Your provider should feel like an extension of your own team, so it’s important that you’re comfortable asking them for support and advice. 

Choose an expert 

For any business, it’s important that you choose a provider with the experience and expertise to handle your unique security needs. Whether you’re subject to complex privacy regulations or you’re looking for comprehensive, remote support, be sure that your provider understands your niche and how to protect your data and assets effectively. 

With a reliable cybersecurity provider, you can easily secure your business data and IT infrastructure in a cost-effective, legally compliant way. For more information on how to devise the right cybersecurity solution for you, contact us today.