A firewall is an essential part of your cybersecurity. It serves an integral part in your organization’s defense against threats and cyber attacks.

A firewall protects many vulnerable programs on your systems. It forms one of the crucial layers in a company’s layered security strategy. If you want a layered security architecture, you need a stable firewall.

Besides the firewall, your layered security should also include the following;

  • Regular assessments
  • Endpoint protection
  • Employee training and awareness
  • Web and email filtering
  • User access control
  • Patch management
  • Data backups

These elements constitute multi-layer cybersecurity. With these multiple security layers, your risk of a security breach is minimized.

What is a Firewall?

A firewall is a security firmware or software that forms a barrier between networks to allow and block certain traffic. It inspects traffic so that it can block threats that might harm your systems.

Firewalls are designed to authorize low-risk traffic that might not harm your network. If it detects harmful traffic, either from a virus or a hacker trying to gain entry, it blocks it immediately.

Just like a guard in your gates, a firewall prevents what’s coming in and going out. It uses pre-set commands to filter suspicious and unsecured sources. It guards traffic from a computer’s entry point.

Why is a Firewall Important?

It is vital to have a stable and reliable firewall in your company’s network. It plays a crucial role in protecting it from intruders. Ideally, it acts as a guard to your perimeter, performing the following tasks:

Preventing Hacks

With businesses taking a digital approach, hacking activities continue to rise significantly. A firewall defends you from unauthorized connections, potentially from hackers. Firewalls have become an essential part of any company that wants to protect its data. It can deter a hacker from accessing your network entirely.

Monitoring Network Traffic

A firewall monitors traffic at all times to safeguard your network. Your IT team can rely on the information gained from continuous monitoring to create advanced security layers.

Promoting Privacy

Since firewalls proactively keep your network safe, they promote brand reputation. Clients know they can trust your company with their data since all systems are secure and inaccessible by hackers. With a strong firewall, no data can be stolen whatsoever.

Different Types of Firewalls

There are multiple types of firewalls that help block malicious traffic, including proxy service, stateful inspection, and packet filtering. These firewalls limit network entry based on different criteria. Each has their own advantages and disadvantages, which is why firewall technology has produced something more well-rounded: next-generation firewalls.

Next-Generation Firewalls

A next-generation firewall (NGFW) combines all the strengths of past firewall technologies into one tool. This bundle of security measures includes elements such as:

  • Antivirus
  • Intrusion prevention
  • Encrypted traffic inspection
  • Deep packet inspection

NGFWs are more advanced than traditional firewalls and help forge your cybersecurity. They move beyond port/protocol, blocking to a more advanced protection system.

The Benefits of an NGFW  

A NGFW is a threat-focused approach that provides advanced risk detection. It’s the gold standard of firewall protection. If you have not implemented an NGFW, then you are doing your business a disservice.

Advanced Policy Control

Thanks to deep packet inspection, next-generation firewalls enable the use of internet applications that allow more productivity while blocking less desirable applications. Unlike the traditional firewalls that only allow or block traffic, NGFWs deny access to all applications considered insecure.

Content and User Identification

NGFWs monitor and scan content in real-time, so no data can leak. This includes filtering and files and threat identification. Also, these firewalls easily detect specific users responsible for traffic that poses threats.

Firewalls Reinforce a Layered Security Approach

Cybersecurty is crucial in today’s world. Threats are constantly evolving, and defenses must continuously improve to stay ahead. 

Securing your network should be a top priority for all businesses. The best way to remain secure is to implement a layered approach to your cybersecurity

At ISG Technology, we are committed to helping businesses improve their network security. Get in touch with us today to consult with our experts.