Category Archives: Storage

Approach BYOD with a realistic mindset

To smoothly manage a BYOD rollout, companies can benefit from working with a managed services[...]

Creating BYOD value while minimizing risk

Bring Your Own Device programs are growing in popularity, and, as they evolve, the techniques[...]

Embracing virtual desktop infrastructure through managed services

Virtual desktop infrastructure was recently named as the No. 3 highest "low-risk/high-reward" technology in Computer[...]

Actually meet enterprise security needs with managed services solutions

For businesses, improving security oversight may mean working with managed service providers that actually have[...]

Moving toward the virtual data center

With virtualization in all its forms becoming more important for managing a data center, companies[...]

Recognize the business advantages of data colocation

By making IT a fixed operational expenditure rather than a massive capital expenditure, companies can[...]

Make sure disaster recovery is done the right way

The threat of natural disasters or other business interruptions such as power outages and viruses[...]

How companies protect data centers against the threat of physical intruders

Leading enterprise data centers and colocation facilities use solutions such as surveillance, security checks, hardened[...]

Developing the customized cloud in the data center

The past few years have seen a wholesale embrace of cloud storage and application hosting[...]

Federal big data initiatives make data management paramount concern

Effective data management will be a critical concern as the United States federal government ramps[...]