Category Archives: Continuity

3 things the boardroom needs to know about disaster recovery

The executives in the boardroom need to take an active role in disaster recovery. 

3 reasons why CEOs need to care more about cybersecurity

CEOs should be as concerned about cybersecurity as their IT employees. 

Involve IT in strategic planning

You want interactions between executives and IT admins to be productive, because if there is[...]

Virtualization: The time is now

Here are three important benefits of virtualization.

Hybrid IT: The basics

Hybrid IT is an amazing way to have a cost-effective, yet secure, cloud-based IT infrastructure. 

Cloud types and their business applications: Hybrid clouds

Hybrid cloud managed services are a great method for storing your companies data. 

Disaster recovery sites: Part 2 of 2

Let's talk about hot DR sites and see how all of these kinds of disaster[...]

Disaster recovery sites: Part 1 of 2

Let's take a look at a couple strategies that involve cold and warm sites and[...]

What can cloud-based DRaaS bring to your company?

There are many benefits to a cloud-based disaster recovery plan. 

What to consider when making the leap into the hybrid cloud

Here are a few key factors to consider when planning a hybrid cloud deployment.