Category Archives: Blog

Cloud types and their business applications: Hybrid clouds

Hybrid cloud managed services are a great method for storing your companies data. 

Disaster recovery sites: Part 2 of 2

Let's talk about hot DR sites and see how all of these kinds of disaster[...]

Disaster recovery sites: Part 1 of 2

Let's take a look at a couple strategies that involve cold and warm sites and[...]

Cloud types and their business applications: Public and private clouds

There are a lot of cloud-based managed services to choose from. 

What can cloud-based DRaaS bring to your company?

There are many benefits to a cloud-based disaster recovery plan. 

Top 3 reasons why companies choose managed services

Let's take a look at a few reasons IT outsourcing provides companies with the right[...]

Data breaches and your company's image

Data breaches are a huge problem when it comes to your company's reputation. 

What to consider when making the leap into the hybrid cloud

Here are a few key factors to consider when planning a hybrid cloud deployment.

3 tips for increased BYOD security

BYOD has some risks, but you can eliminate most of them by following these 3[...]

IT restructuring reduces governmental spending

IT restructuring highlights serious inefficiencies in governmental agencies.